Mont-HMG FORUMS Members’ Introductions Hi from Paul

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    together with my senior manager, Libby, we have 7 acres near Hyssington the majority of which is meadow (of variable quality (alot of Rye)) although we were excited to be getting a few orchids in one area so we put green hay on in that area year before last. We take hay around July and graze then up until Christmas with sheep. Horses also partially graze. We are members of Marches Meadow Group. We are fortunate to be bordered by a pretty stream with some brush and trees running along side. We have asked Tammy to come and give us a bit of habitat management advice. We try to manage the land for the benefit of wildlife and our animals and of course for our own enjoyment. We have identified over 50 species of birds at various times and we do well for butterflies. I keep bees and occasionally pigs. My next project is a pool.


    Hi Paul,
    Your meadow sounds lovely! I look forward to seeing it sometime. Good luck with the new project and your bees.


    Hello Paul
    All sound great. Do you get flycatchers? Would like to hear more about your birds.

    I just looked at Hyssington on the map and it occurs to me that it would be great if we could have a map on this website where members could put our sites so we could see who we’re close to thinking along the lines of nature corridors etc. What do you think Andy/Sue/Tammy?



    Kate – we don’t get pied flycatchers but the nature reserve ar Roundton Hill which is nearby does


    Sorry Kate; I missed your proposal.

    I agree, it would be good to get a map of some kind that at least showed the rough area of members’ projects/habitats.

    I’ll look into it.




    Thanks Paul. Thanks Andy.
    Pleased to report a little of the yellow rattle I sowed last summer has sprouted 😉
    Also pleased to report nuthatch nesting in a box for the first time. Third year of boxes. These were put up after a survey by two ecologists to target flycatchers and redstarts. Pied flycatcher is nesting in the same box third year running and a mystery nest: either redstart (which be first time, or pied fly with an artistic bent!).
    I have photos so happy to post if that’s possible.


    Hi Kate – I’m looking in to this; I suspect we may need to use Google Maps or similar.

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