This forum is open to public view unless specifically defined as otherwise; only registered Mont-HMG members can contribute to the discussions. If you would like to be added to the membership please contact admin through the website contact page.
All members are required to follow these rules & guidelines as part of their acceptance of using the community area. If you have any issues with the rules, please contact admin via the contacts page. By using this forum, you are agreeing to the following rules.
Contribution Content
Please be respectful at all times.
Do not discuss any subject likely to be inflammatory, for example, but not limited to, politics or religion – such posts will be removed.
This is not a sales forum; please do not post commercial adverts or promote business.
This is a ‘family friendly’ forum; do not use bad language and remember the person you are responding to may be a minor.
The forum is moderated. From time to time moderators may contact members about their posts, edit posts to remove unsuitable content, or delete posts.
However, it is preferable that members moderate their own posts and refrain from breaking these basic rules.
Harassment of anyone, member or non-member, will not be accepted (otherwise known as flaming).
Members can have one log-in account; multiple accounts from the same email address or individual will not be registered.