We’re coming to the end of the main work season now; birds have already started nesting so much more cutting and trapesing through the undergrowth risks disturbing them.
One last job is to build some brash/log piles. I haven’t got many so I’m building a few more. These are great at increasing the breadth of habitat in woodland, especially if the under-storey is a bit sparse, and they attract invertebrates, reptiles, mammals and birds. I have had a range of birds nesting in them in the same year as they have been built in the past . There is no consensus on what makes the ‘best’ brash pile as far as I have been able to ascertain so I start with larger stuff at the bottom and then gradually build up to smaller stuff. I want it to look as natural as possible so I’m not too careful about the construction to be honest.
Just one word of warning, in the enthusiasm of building one, make sure you’re not damaging a habitat that is already developed as you may do if you disturb dead wood that has been down for a while.
Before and After photos below: